Financial Guidance + Coaching for Therapists

Tired of Worrying about Money?

Seven money mistakes that hold therapists back.


I help therapists stop worrying about money.

Hello, hello STC Listeners! πŸ™‹

I'm so honored Melvin has welcomed me into the STC community.

My name is David Frank. I'm a financial planner for therapists.

Yes, I can help you put together a smart retirement plan and investment portfolio. But money is really about so much more than just that...

People don't truly have financial goals, they have life goals with financial implications.

That brilliant perspective comes from Saundra Davis. I've adopted it because I believe it's so true and beautifully worded.

I want you to realize your mostly deeply held life goals. Money is merely a tool to help you get there.

That's why helping you figure out your money stuff is so important to me. It will help you lead a better life. A life with more joy and happiness. A life with less anxiety and worry.

My mission is to help you go from feeling stuck, worried or even overwhelmed about money, to exclaiming...

That was so easy, it’s comical πŸ€ͺ.

(Yes, that's an actual comment an actual client sent me! Emoji and all.)

Ready to begin the journey? Enter your email below πŸ‘‡

You'll get my free guide AND you'll get $200 off any service - which is my special gift to STC listeners.

If you're not ready to share you email with me right here, right now - totally ok.

One of my guiding principles is to meet everyone where there are, without judgment. I want you to take that next step when the time is right for you. Money is emotionally charged as it is - the last thing you need is someone rushing, judging or shaming you. You won't find any of that here.

πŸ‘‰ Click here to get to know me better on my website.​



7 Money Mistakes That Hold Therapists Back

I'll help you stop worrying about your money and get back to enjoying your life - and being fully present for the clients you serve.

PLUS you'll get $200 OFF any service!!
(a special offer just for STC listeners)

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

    πŸ‘‰ Visit my website πŸ‘ˆ
