
Hi there! I'm a financial planner for therapists!

I help therapists navigate every element of their financial lives: from understanding your practice P&L and building a personal budget to managing student loan debt and investing for retirement... and everything in between. But don't let my love of the tax code and spreadsheets scare you off! You're just as likely to find me with my nose buried in one of Pema Chodron's books as reading up on the latest financial planning techniques.

An aerial view of a building in the water
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Do this or get a $215k fine (not kidding) 😧

Hello Reader, Remember all the talk of the Corporate Transparency Act and mandatory Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) filings from the beginning of this year? No? You’re not alone! Surprisingly few business owners have completed the mandatory FinCEN filing. But this is something you want to take care of. If your BOI filing is late, you accrue a fine: $591 EACH DAY! 😧 That adds up to over $215,000 in a year. Oh and there are also potential CRIMINAL penalties: a fine of $10,000 and two...

A man sitting at a table with a laptop and cell phone

Hello Reader, I once heard that every human being is neglecting some essential element of their life at any given point in time. One important thing I’ve been neglecting is sharing financial tips with you through this newsletter! 😧 So… my October Resolution (is that a thing?) is to be more consistent in sharing helpful information with you! To kick it off, I want to let you know about a live webinar I’ll be holding with my friend Julie Herres of GreenOak Accounting in a few weeks! 🔗 Click...

Hello Reader, I hope this email finds you in the midst of preparing a legendary BBQ, or perhaps strategically placing your lawn chair for the best view of tonight’s fireworks. 🎇 Before your eyes glaze over at the mention of the word “budget”, hear me out. I promise not to drone on with the usual “save more, spend less” mantra. Instead, I’ll share a little secret with you. A budget is not a restriction on your spending, it’s a liberation from financial stress. Think of your budget as your own...

Hello Reader, We’re entering the summer season, which of course means a tax payment will soon be due! 🫤 Your second Estimated Tax Payment is due on June 17th. (Typically June 15th, but that’s a Saturday this year… so you get a few extra days.) Whether you receive part of your Private Practice earnings through a paycheck or not, you typically will need to make Estimated Tax Payments over the course of the year. These Estimated Tax Payments, when combined with any payroll tax withholding, help...

Hello Reader, I’ve been excitedly working on a rent versus buy calculator in my spare time. (I’m a numbers dork, yes this is the type of thing that I get excited about!) 🤓 But the other week I tossed my draft calculator in the garbage bin. 🗑️ Why, you ask? Because the New York Times just came out with a truly EXCELLENT rent versus buy calculator. It was fancier and more slick than anything I could put together and honestly… they’ve thought of everything. As soon as I saw it, I knew I needed...

Hello Reader, The initial tax filing deadline has come and gone and hopefully you’ve crossed that finish line without too much sweat and tears! Of course, if you’ve filed an extension, you still might be in the thick of it. 😰 I realize that the last thing you probably want to spend time on right now is planning for next year’s tax filing deadline. But now is actually the perfect time to plan. Why? Because everything is fresh in your mind. What went well? What didn’t go so well? What would you...

Hello Reader, Want the mindset that brings unlimited willpower? Keep reading and it could be yours! 👇 We’ve been taught that willpower is a limited resource. Many of us believe that willpower is like a battery – full at the start of the day, but depleted as the day wears on. And that this low battery leaves us vulnerable to poor impulse control and regrettable choices later in the day. And there is research seemingly backing up this limited view of willpower. The phenomenon came to be known...

Hello Reader, If you’ve been meaning to figure out a retirement plan for 2024, I’ve got just the webinar for you! Join Julie Herres and me as we guide practice owners through the maze of retirement options in this webinar. 👉 Click here to register! Whether you’re in solo practice or a group practice owner, we’ll break down the available choices, contribution limits, and help you figure out the best path for your future. It’s sure to be an informative session not to be missed if you’re...

Hello Reader, It wasn’t just a good day, it was a GREAT day. I was clear-headed, sharp, uber-productive. I was flying through my to-do list, and doing (IMHO) my best work, when I made a quick pivot to dispatch some emails. One email was from HR, announcing a change to the vacation policy. What? That’s interesting. Without hesitation, I click on the attached PDF to see if it was good news or bad. And just like that… I had been phished. I knew that clicking on a suspicious attachment could...

Hello Reader, I’m not religious. I don’t go to church. I suppose I might consider myself spiritual – but some days I‘m not even so sure about that. 😆 If anything, life experiences have taught me to wary of religion. (A story for another time.) And yet some of the closest friends I’ve made in the last few years ARE deeply religious. I’ve found them to be some of the kindest, most accepting, supportive and thoughtful folks I know. Which is why I’m excited to be both sponsoring and speaking at...